Rabindranath Tagore said that…and I do believe in those words with all my heart and soul.
And yet I turn on the TV and listen to the world news for less than 3 minutes and I wonder what a courageous beings we are to bring more innocent souls to THIS world:
the world that now had become this horrible place where crimes were recorded every six seconds…and no need to go far away to see lack of kindness... after all so rarely someone gives up his/her seat on the bus to either the elderly or the pregnant.
the world that parents now HAVE to raise their kids in bubbles and guess what? Kids are coming out worse than before. ...
You know which world I am talking about…you live in it with me.
And then we live to make our own unique way in this world...that is our responsibility; that is our duty as human beings....
Yet I do worry for my child…I look at all the disasters that goes around in this world and I worry for my baby….
Sometimes the shocking stories are not even on CNN or BBC world news...go figure!
One of my closest friend’s son is adopted from one of South American’s countries and does not look like his parents at all. My friend is Jewish (not an orthodox one) and is raising her kids in that religion and with that tradition. Her son attends a privet Jewish school which Hebrew is the first language and then after that is English in the curriculum.
For a non believer of any monotheism religion like me, this can be a foreign concept: to raise my child only being exposed to one “religion” and “one set of belief and tradition”.
I mean generally speaking I do belive all the religion privet schools can create a higher possibility for less tolerable adults in the future.
At the same time I have a passion for reading about different philosophies, history and religions and through that hobby of mine, I am familiar with Jewish Tradition and especially with Kabala and I know of the deep need that they have in cherishing their Tradition.
Recently my friend told me about an incident that occurred in that Jewish Privet School. A little 7 years old girl told my friend’s son (which recently turned 7 years old himself): “It is really funny that you are Jewish. Are you sure you are? You don’t LOOK Jewish at all!”. My friend over heared the conversation word for word herself...Just imagine the look on her face at that moment!
She was telling me the story with so much sadness and anxiety for the effect of the sentence on her little boy. She was stunned of the reality that how “closed minded” people can be…and “that little girl must have heard the similar comment from her parents”…
I was stunned from another similarity. After all it was Hitler who said they do look too Jewish and therefore…we know the rest, don’t we?
I shared my thoughts with my friend and she finished my sentence that “now there are Jewish people who say: you do not look Jewish enough!”… After all it is just two sides of the same coin…Prejudice does not recognize any race, culture or religion.
Where I grew up, to toughen up the kids, we have been told many times “words can't hurt you”. Well my personal experience was so much different. My scars are the evidence of all the times that words wounded me so deeply, so irreversibly….and I have so many of these scares. Some of them are still bleeding uncontrollably.
How many of us parents, caught ourselves right in the middle of swearing?
I mean admitably sometimes saying “shit” out loud is just so relaxing!
I don’t want my kids to learn “those bad words”…but deep down I also believe there are no “bad” words, there are just “bad” intentions behind the words…and there are always alternative words that might make the message more readily received and accepted.
How many of us are very aware of not using the “S” words and the “F” words and so one?
How many of us are aware of those seemingly innocent comments about people? Those casual judgmental comments I mean…. The one that our little innocent kids absorb like a sponge
Oh dear Tagore... God is not discouraged by humanity…not yet at least….but by God! sometimes we are so discouraged by ourselves….