"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

His love affair with water!

Last night I was beyond tired. I could not even manage to sit straight, let alone write about “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”!

My son has a love affair with water. For that I am greatly thankful….especially every time that I hear stories of mothers and fathers going through torturous bath routine.

The first time that I have been told about his flirt with water was when he was only 12 hours old, we were in the hospital and the nurse gave him his customary first bath, beside my bed in the hospital.

I started crying because he was, well screaming and crying and I did not know what to do and I felt he is in torture. The nurse told me it is because she took his clothes off and newborns don’t like that…and then she said: “OH you should be thankful. He is really good in water compare to all the other newborns”… And I thought: “Are you kidding me? Do you hear what I hear?!!”

Well then it was our very first bath at home…and then and there I realized the nurse was right. My baby cried when we took his clothes off and as soon as he felt the water, all was heavenly. He again cried when we took him out of the water…

My better half (as well as my parents) was not surprised that the little boss loves water mostly because I am truly in love with water (like mother, like son)…but in my opinion his fascination with water is even beyond the whole nine yard!!!

And there goes the beginning of a very blossoming love affair…

Now the little guy is 20 months old and running everywhere and finding 1001 different ways to, well how shall I put it, make momma’s days more adventurous!!!

He loves the bathtub in his bathroom where we bathe him every other night. For the last 2 weeks the little man demands to have bath every night. Lately he discovered something even more “delicious”…and that is Momma and Dadda’s “big bathtub” – which is bigger and wider than his bathtub –

During the days he cries , screams, bribes me with kisses and hugs, and do so many things (mostly involved high pitch voice) to let him go in our bathroom for what he calls "water play".

The little man stands beside our bathtub. He goes on tip of his toes, reaches for the water tap and turns on the water…thank God so far he can only do this with cold water.

Then it is for minutes and minutes after that he touches the water with such a mesmerizing look, try to hold the water with tip of his fingers, try to hold it in the palm of his hands and then splash it on his face, then dry his face and hands with the towel that momma gave him, sometimes hold the towel - or any other clothe items for that matter- under the running water, then turn the tap off, look to see how the water goes down the drain and then proudly announces "WOW!"….and let’s start from the beginning…over and over and over again!

I am always worried because he might loose his balance by being on the tip of his toes and also his hands and face become icy cold because of the cold water.

Well yesterday, he manages to surprise himself even more.

Some how he found a bucket, fill it and empty it no other place than Mamma and Dadd’s bathroom floor, not once or twice or even three times, but from the look of it I firmly guess it was very few number of times….This all happened in a matter of less than 3 minutes while I was trying to fix something that he…well…broke!

I turned and I saw a flood in my bathroom…and little man was fascinated with the concept of water “not going anywhere and staying right there”!

I just ran and the rest can be imagined…..

Exactly 15 minutes after I finished drying the whole place, while he was running from one room to the other and I was chasing him only four steps behind, he managed to end up being in our bathroom again (remember I am literally four steps behind)….and then I hear the scream of shock and him running in my arms TOTALLY WET from head to toe….well while I am trying to calm him down, I glanced curiously inside the bathroom and it is my turn now to be in absolute shock….


The little boss turned on the two taps of our Bidet at the SAME TIME, to the FULL FORCE. This was his very first experience with Bidet and he obviously did not know what this big toy is…and did not know that it has an option of water coming out of it upward!

So I was in total shock, and for sure the look of it was really funny because in the middle of all this drama the little man stopped his shock affect and burst into laughter while looking at me…and I…well really it took good 10 seconds for me to understand what is happening and to start moving…and to go in there and get wet myself and turn off the taps...a good 10 seconds of me staring at the fountain of water.

I ran toward the bidet, turned off the water and then looked at the ceiling….there was water EVERYWHERE, on the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling…

I had to run out again and first dry the little man and change every pieces of his clothes and then put him in the play yard (with lots of objections from your highness of course!) because I needed to make sure while I am doing the labor work nothing else will be on fire in the house -or shall I say nothing else will be submerged in the water!

And I thought how silly I was when the first time I thought what a hard work it is to dry the place….really one does not clean a bathroom unless she cleans the ceiling and yesterday dear blog that was what I did!

Obviously our day did not end with this story…he had more things to brake, more things to hide, more mileage to run, and more memory to create.

He had his bath time tonight. He splashed the water, talked to the beloved water (I am not kidding he says “Hi water, are you good water?”or “Hi rain, are you good rain?”) and played almost in a trance state with his few different size buckets and he does not mind how many times I pour water on his head and wash his hair…he can stay there for an hour I think…I never tried though!

Today compare to yesterday was a calm day…compare to a non toddler day, it was lots of adventures one after another…

Now after all that hard work to dry and clean the place, when I look back, I have a smile on my face and can not stop my giggle especially by remembering that exact first 10 seconds…

Well, that was my day yesterday. Was yours as “water full” as mine?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that is such a blessing.
Both my kids HATE any drop of water on their head or their face. They tolerate being in the water as long as all above neck line be dry.