"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy birthday Canada!

I am proud to call myself Canadian… for many reasons and one being that I chose this country to belong to, on my own and not just by some twist of faith or accident or whatever you want to call the process of "being born" in a land!

With clear conscious and deep belief I can sing our national Anthem especially the line that says:
“From far and wide,O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.”

While more and more I am convinced that human race has a serious genetic disorder with the topic of tolerance to “individuality”; Canada is one place in this globe that I know, where all the people from different cultures, religions, languages, back grounds and life styles come together and LIVE... or at least try their best to live and let others live FREELY…WOW…the depth of possibility for human race!!!

My dear Canada, may you be showered with blessings today and everyday, the same way that you showered all of us that proudly call ourselves Canadian!

May God keep you “Glorious and free”.

May you always be healthy and wealthy…and while we are in the process of birthday wishes…may you never see any recession:):)

With all my love...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"may you never see any recession"

That is so funny and so true....can I wish that for my country even if it is not its birthday? OOPS I think recession is already here!!!!