"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

Monday, July 28, 2008

Mirror, mirror on the face!!!

I had a surreal experience during the weekend. The experience brought a scene back to me…a scene from many many years ago!

You know how it is… you can live your daily routine of life, go to your work and talk to people, respond very intelligent responses, cook, eat, do the laundry, play, laugh, even cry…and still somewhere deep in your brain or heart or subconscious or where ever it is (!!!), something is playing over and over like a broken record.

But let me take few steps back….

Have you read Demian from Hess? One of my very favorite authors….
There is a paragraph in that book:

“The things we see are the same things that are within us. There is no reality except the one contained within us. That is why so many people live such an unreal life…”

Well, sometimes something is so deeply rooted in our psyche that years and years will pass and we do not even know about it…and one day something happens and BOOM! You will be hit with the memories, sensations and what they represented to you ALL YOUR LIFE!

Saturday night, my little boss was running…as usual full force, not really paying attention to any obstacle on his way…more like: “Oh you are there…I am sure by the second that I reach you, you will disappear or I become Hercules and take care of you somehow”…I swear, I sometimes have to close my eyes to save myself from heart attacks that I might get just by sheer panic of “WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN IF….”

Anyway, the little man was running full force. Somehow the prospect of bed time charged his battery more than usual and in his P.J. he was chatting and running from one room to the next and his path was so close to our stair case with its wooden carved rail…so obviously it is not his problem that the wooden rail is there or if he hits that, it might hurt him!!!!!!!!!!!

As I am walking toward him to somehow calm him down for “nighty night”, I just saw the whole thing in slow motion…he hit the side of his head and face to the rail while he was running in my direction full force…He screamed, ran into my arms…I kneeled down and was trying to sooth him from one hand and assess the trauma from the other hand…

Well he had a little red bump that would become a bruise in few minutes…nothing that a dose of good old Arnica could have not helped…I started to instruct my better half to hold him and put some gentle pressure and ice on the site of the accident while I went downstairs to bring Arnica (and by this time little boss forgot all about the “boo boo” and was more annoyed that why we are not allowing him to run or play…)…

I was walking downstairs that it all hit me…I almost got buried under the avalanche of a memory…Me being 13 years old, the parking door bounced back and hit my head with full force…I could not see anything because of the blood flow running down into my eyes, the shock numbed my system so much that I did not feel any pain and yet I saw my parents kneeling in front of me…their faces were HORRIFIED…their faces were so unbelievably shocked and scared as if they were looking at the most scary scene ever….those pairs of horrified eyes brought me out of my shock and I screamed “I want a mirror!”…

Think about it: I recall so well that I did not feel any pain at that moment, but I was so scared of what I might see in the mirror…well I ran to the car to use its mirror and I was shocked. My face was all blood and the only thing I could see was the open wound in the middle of my eyebrow…the rest is just foggy memory of my parents rushed me to the hospital and I do not remember a single memory after that…Oh but I do recall my sensation: “I look terrible, I look deformed!”…

I am not sure was this because of my parents shocking faces at that first moment that they looked at me or because I looked at the mirror or for any other reason…well the wound healed, I have a scar in the middle of my eyebrow that with passing of years it is truly much less visible and with minimum make up it is totally invisible…but in reality it took 19-20 years in order for the scar to become invisible to MY EYES. I don’t think of it or feel it anymore…

I think my perception of being beautiful changed that night. I was always being told that I was a beautiful baby and a stunning girl. At age 13 while puberty starts to show its sign with awkward facial features and body growth, I still remember being praised a lot for my beauty. But after that night, whenever I heard someone telling me I was beautiful, I would feel utterly disconnected from those words. They were shallow words with absolutely no meaning for me. The words did not make me sad or happy…they were just white noises.

The reality was that I never felt beautiful from that year on. The only time that I felt totally and absolutely beautiful was on my wedding day. I was truly a stunning bride, everyone said that and more important than that I felt it so deep. I did not need to hear others or look in the mirror to know how gorgeous I looked. There was nothing wrong with my face, makeup, hair and my smile!

I remember after the wound healed properly one day my mother gave me my very first piece of make up equipment: an eyebrow pencil. She showed me what I can do with it. I mean for a person like me that really is not into make up – and do not have patience or any interest for it what so ever (I talked about it in one of my earlier posts) - that eyebrow pencil became part of necessity….

My mother and I never talked about it after, until couple of years ago. By that time I really did not have an ugly perception of my wound. A subject came up and I brought the story of my first eyebrow pencil to my mother’s attention. She looked at me with sad eyes and told me she was so afraid that people might tease me and this is why she thought the best way is to show me how to hide it.

We do the best we can in situations. Those “best” come from our own perceptions…but still it is the best, especially if there is a noble intention behind it. I now believe it with all my heart.

But I wondered so many times that the alteration in my perception happened because of those shocking, horrified faces in front of me…or was there any other reason? The story could have unfolded another way and I might have been teased or not…and if I would have been teased, I might have taken it to heart or not…well we never know, would we?!

The memory showed its face exactly the moment that little boss hit the wooden rail…But this time it was not the memory of the sensation of being ugly or deformed. It was the memory of a parent’s eyes…

I am a parent now. Accidents will happen…we all know that whether we are parents or not…mothers will skip heartbeats with every wound and scratch…and now I am so aware of my face, the face that will look into his eyes when he has a pain…he will look into my eyes and use them as a mirror and this mirror will tell him so much… He will ask this mirror consciously or subconsciously: “mirror mirror on the FACE…” and this mirror can change his perception for a very very long time…..sometimes for a life time…


Anonymous said...

Do you remember in couple of your posts you talked about the wounds in our heart that will bleed for a lifetime?

Well one of them for me is the scar that I have on top of my lips. It is a souvenir from bike riding when I was 9 years old. My grandmother was the one that made the cruelest comment. She said to my father (in front of me) that it is really ugly but it could have been worse and could have been like those kids that are born with split lip.
From that day on I never laughed or smile freely. I actually try to not smile wide lips because I always think it makes it worse. I never forget her disgusting look when she looked at me and made that comment.

Thank you so much for sharing. I know such a story can be very painful and personal.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mommy Homeopath,
I second Eve!
Thank you for sharing. It must have not been easy. I know I am not ready at all to share my wounds and I can assure you, I have numerous of them.
What I admire the most about you, is that you are choosing to learn a lesson out of this very painful situation and putting it into a very good use.
Mostly we will be stuck in the pain, in the memory and all. We try to blame; to be angry, to feel pity for ourselves and to just put a very thick wall around our hearts. Who can blame really?
But if we somehow be able to pass the pain, then maybe we can learn a lesson from it.
As always I enjoyed your post very much.
A reader

Anonymous said...

I read Demain long ago and it was so good remembering those beautiful sentences from it…
Your 20 year-old memory was somewhat terrifying and the way you felt afterward was indispensible. But best of all was the way you connected that accident with the sentences of Hess. Well, I absolutely agree with the conception of "Mirror, mirror on the wall…"
It was such a beautiful title!
Hope you little boss is ok; Try to be happy… you've got a blessed gift from above.

Mommy Homeopath: said...

Hi Eve,
You too my dear! Thanks for sharing...
I wish you to overcome the pain and one day in near future, smile and laugh with all your heart and no restriction.

Mommy Homeopath: said...

Hi "a reader",
Thank you for your comment. Well you know...it took me 20 years to overcome the pain and get the lesson...
Somewhere in my life, I really started to believe that it all is our perceptions...really and truly we live the world that we build based on our perceptions....
As always, I enjoyed your comment:):)

Mommy Homeopath: said...

Thank you Parinaz for visiting.

Demian is a powerful book, a book that can has an affect on a person for a life time. I tend to believe all of Hess's books have positive affects one way or another:):)

I wish you happiness too...Sometimes we all need extra dose of it, don't we?

Nava said...

Hi dear beautiful MH!
Thanks for sharing the memory with us. It's clear how it affected your life. I'm glad you have a good feeling about it now.

The whole concept of "parents eyes as the first mirror" is so true, and it can be any "important- person-in-one's-life-eyes".
I remember when my brother had mumps, and he used to ask me over and over of he was ugly (he was just a teenager) and I would try hard not to show a reflection of his horrible scary face in my eyes and make it as natural as possible. Something which is not very easy when you first see all those accidents/deformation/bleedings/bruises, but is has a very deep influence on the person, as you have experienced it.
It's easier to say "...yes! Parents should avoid getting scared and showing their fear to the kid who had an accident...blah blah blah", but it's never easy for a parent to actually do it.

BTW, something funny about my feeling about Hesse's books, they scare me...you don't believe me, right? All those books which I read from Herman Hesse, give me shievers all through my backbone!!
Nice to hear the quotes from somebody who actually enjoyed and admired them. Thanks again!

...and I hope little boss is fine and running again, well, not when he's supposed to go to bed!

Mommy Homeopath: said...

Thank you for your wise words. Little boss is OK…running and running with no consideration for any obstacle!!!

In all honesty I am very OK with the whole thing and this is why it was not difficult for me to share. It is now JUST a story and therefore not a painful emotional wound…those are the tough one to share….

About the Hess thing: I don’t think it is funny to be scared of them. I think they are powerful books and especially some of them resonate with some level of human psyche that can be somehow scary only because it is unknown…I am not sure how clear I am in what I want to convey here?!
The symbolism of his works is touching something primal and not always well known in a person….

As a homeopath I have to tell you something: your comment made me so tempted to dig in and find out why they bring out this particular feeling in you….OH what an interesting temptation it is:):):)

be well my dear friend

Esfand` said...

hmmm... wow!
You put it in such a beautiful way that it makes me wonder. Parts of our personality are consciously or unconsciously aquired from our parents, its true, but then it doesnt stop, right? As from your post it is obvious that our kids can also make us rethink, reshape and even remake our own self in a certain way. This all can happen again in a conscious or unconscious way.
I wonder, as I do attribute certain idiosyncracies of mine to my parents, should I start looking for the reverse now?
I know certain things so strongly, certain changes which I saw in my parents because of me. Or may be its just me who thinks like this, because I saw my parents change their stance on things and issues because of me, what if it was again something which my parents had known already. That I will require this change from them. Amazing, this post of yours has made me think about a whole new argument.
I think I should observe this phenomenon a bit closely, its interesting, of how do we get effected by our children.
But again its true, that one cannot know this thing for real till one has gone through this experience of parenting.

Good luck for the future bumps, and the way you respond to them. I think from your very conscious decisions you may be able to mould him in a way. True its the mirror of your face through which he will try to see himself, your approval or rejection of the things he will do will bits by bits make him what he will be. So better put on a smile, even when you go through the toughest of the moments as a mom just for his sake, so that he may never think hes not handsome any more.

Its such a tricky thing to be parents, there is no fixed rule, if you be too hard the story ends up in a different way or be too easy the story takes a whole new turn, and seems like there is no middle stance...

once again good luck to him and to you!

Mommy Homeopath: said...

Hi Esfand,
Thank you for visiting again.

Your comments are so true. To be honest with you this whole matter of “change” in our personality is such a profound issue. I think any cause that can deeply affect a person, can start a change (major or minor) in one’s pattern of life, perception and eventually personality.
And then what has to come after that is the “will” and “choice” of the individual to work on the “change”…it is not an easy road you know?!

Having a child for sure is a deep enough cause….It changes EVERYTHING and when I say that I am fully aware that this statement is only words until one really goes through it.

The part that you talked about
“I do attribute certain idiosyncracies of mine to my parents, should I start looking for the reverse now?”:
That is so amazingly accurate. I think I talked about it in my earlier posts that how much in my belief, children teach their parents. I mean we, adults, are under the delusion that we are “know it all” and “here to guide”…while for sure this is the case in some issues, still there are other issues that role is so reverse….things that we can learn from kids (ours or others) – especially if we be non prejudice enough to allow ourselves to learn the lesson and admit it:):):)

Well in all accuracy I have to say the little boss not only changed me and my better half - and still changing us - but also I can even see clear changes in my parents as a result of having a grandchild…For me this is such a beautiful seen in life: to see enough flexibility to change no matter what age you are or what background you came from…that is truly life in its glory, isn’t it?

Be happy Esfand!

Anonymous said...

You always finish your blogs with a powerful statement...I am learning about the sensitive world of kids more and more every day...It is amazing how any word or action can leave a lifetime imprint on their souls...and I am learning about that some people intentionally, carelessly, or unconsciously can be cruel. I guess we just need to think twice always...

Thanks for sharing

Mommy Homeopath: said...

Dear Peace,
Thank you for visiting again...the truth is that we are just learning everyday!

May your heart be always in peace!