"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Je Me Souviens…

Autumn is here…my bittersweet fall!

Already the last week was a prelude to the symphony of my emotions; an avalanche of feelings…

Like every year I become more silence, words can not carry the depth of the feelings and life experiences; words - in any of the languages that I know - can not do justice to emotions….

So I cherish the silence of my mind and dive deep into my being, go for a swim at the very deep end of the ocean….overwhelmed with bliss and sorrow…

Heart is such a mystery…one can carry the two extremes side by side, at every moment in life…

Oh how I love autumn…and every year I fall deeper in love with this season….

That is what autumn brings back to me…year after year!
More than anything: memories…

Am I in love with this season or just consumed with my memories and experiences?

Those moments that made me who I am today!
Those events, emotions and lessons…for better or worse, they shaped me and re-created me over and over….

The best of my life, the worst of my life…and all in between…
A landscape of events and places which mixes and overlaps with one another in a manner more than perfection

Like a drawing that I can never see anywhere other than the deepest, most sacred corner of my heart

I can not forget anything
I choose not to forget anything….

Each year fall returns and I do return with it to the poetry of my heart.

I remember…


Anonymous said...

Hi Mommy Homeopath,
I read your very rich and sentimental post yesterday and wanted to write to you, yet there were no words that I could use to show the power of the post on me.
You did not say anything about your memories and yet I felt the strength of the ebb and flow that you are talking about.

Your post made me to go to a trip on my own, to my own memory lane, the good and the bad and all in between!

Thank you for your words
A reader

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with a reader mommy!
Your truly sentimental and extremely emotional post makes one be in touch with her own experiences.
I actually hate autumn. I think mostly because there are only doom and gloom that are my experiences of it. And truly I can not handle that much rain; it has a depressive effect on me!!!!
But I noticed despite the fact that I am totally in my elements in summer, I adore spring and it is all because I also do have good and bad and all in between memories that occurred in that season.
I really believe that if someone takes our memories away, we will die immediately
Humor lover

Anonymous said...

“Ce qui embellit le désert, c'est qu'il cache un puits quelque part...”
dit le petit prince

I also think what makes the fall more beautiful is the memories that are hidden between those colorful leaves.

Be well dear sweet mommy homeopath

Anonymous said...

A blade of grass
Said a blade of grass to an autumn leaf, "You make such a noise falling! You scatter all my winter dreams."
Said the leaf indignant, "Low-born and low-dwelling! Songless, peevish thing! You live not in the upper air and you cannot tell the sound of singing."
Then the autumn leaf lay down upon the earth and slept. And when spring came she waked again -- and she was a blade of grass.
And when it was autumn and her winter sleep was upon her, and above her through all the air the leaves were falling, she muttered to herself, "O these autumn leaves! They make such a noise! They scatter all my winter dreams."

Mommy Homeopath: said...

My dear cyber friends,
Thank you all for you beautiful words, deep quotes from my dear “le petit prince” and amazing Gibran...and such kind comments.

It means a lot to see you come back here.

I wish you all a happy, less depressive and more enjoyable autumn, wherever you are at this astonishing season.