"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Journalism": fact or fiction?

Someone said: “The news these days are what the news companies want it to be. What they want it to be and how they want it to be”…we live in a sad time, indeed a sad time.

Yesterday evening, after listening to evening news, I started to fume…and unfortunately the fuming continued well through today…

They had a “special report” regarding vaccination. They were “shocked” by the new awareness that in the country like Canada, 1 out of 3 kids is not vaccinated…and then they continue to talk about the “FACT” (whatever that word means obviously) that how dangerous it is for those kids that do not get vaccines as well as the other kids that do get they regular shots.

The report continued to show an elementary public school in one of the provinces that had to “suspend” more than 30 students and few teachers for 20 days (that is the duration that it will show whether they got the measles or not) because following a case of a measles they found out all these people did not have the vaccination or the booster shots against measles….Then the report got even better!!!!.

The reporter started to talk to the parents of the kids that had their “proper vaccine” and they were so proud of their “law abiding” personality – never mind that vaccination is not mandatory in Canada, so “choosing” to vaccine your child has nothing to do with the law!- and were unbelievably angry and abusive toward the “Irresponsible” parents that did not follow the same line of thinking – [like sheep I guess!!!]- and (listen to this part) how unbelievably dangerous these people are because they are putting other kids that had their vaccine in danger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So while I am biting my lips and telling myself that like any good journalism, now this professional reporter will go and talk to the other “camp”, suddenly the reporter talked to few members of the board of schools and they were “demanding” that schools should start NOT accepting the children without proper vaccination….

Finally the reporter went to the representative of health Canada and that lady in a very submissive voice replied that “while we “strongly” encourage the parents to vaccinate their children, still it is not forced by law in Canada and it is totally the parents’ choice to do that. Therefore the only thing that is required from the parents according to the law is to sign a waver that admit that they take responsibility and this is their belief and also they agree that if there is an outbreak of any disease they are Ok with keeping their kids at home and do not send them to school”…..- just a side note: if there will be an outbreak, won’t you rather keep your child at home regardless of how many vaccine they had or not had?-

Still nothing from the other “camp”…I still optimistically told myself: “Wait it will come!”....then the anchor started questioning the reporter that: OH it is so dangerous for the other kids isn’t it?” (Keep in mind at no time they mention why it should be dangerous for the kids that already had their “proper vaccine”!)…and then the anchor mentioned casually that there are some fear of the fact that vaccines are causing harm to the kids and reporter replied: yes but it is not proven completely! (and no one replied “yes but it not disproved either!)

On to the next topic…..yayyayya

I screamed…I literally screamed. Don’t get me wrong, I am not opposing a report about vaccination. What I am oppose to is the one sided report.

Obviously you can imagine that I do belong to the school of thought that does not believe in vaccines and vaccination. I do believe that there should be selective vaccination if and only if there is a need for it, based on the age, the percentage of exposure and other factors…. most of them are not necessarily for everyone, at all ages, especially living in the first world countries.

Let’s forget about the amount of Mercury (Thimerosal), Aluminum and Formaldehyde that comes with the vaccine into the body. We, adults, go to dentist to take out our Mercury filling but who really care about injecting our babies at that age with it! We protest over the pollution of the sea food with Mercury…but who cares really about the drugs. After all the big pharmaceutical companies are the one that subsidizing EVERYTHING in the government!

Let’s totally forget about the suggestion of existing of a relation between Aluminum and Alzheimer and dementia.

Let’s forget about all the strange GENES that we are pushing into our babies blood streams while we do not have ANY awareness to how it will affect them in the long run.

Let’s completely forget the scary rise in the number of cases like Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson, Cancer and Alzheimer in last half of the century.

Let’s totally ignore the “FACT” that there is absolutely NO LONG TERM STUDY on the affect of vaccines on HUMAN BEINGS.

Forgetting all that, how can we forget what happened in March 2008 while all the major news companies talked about it?

The result of Supreme Court in US in March 08, which was in favor of the parents with the child that developed autism after MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) – the same measles as the one in the “special report”!!!!- put a huge damper on pharmaceutical companies as well as Allopathic medicine.

After that huge victory, the doctors are divided into two groups: the one that think MMR should not be given at the young age (12-18 months) and the rest that think it is totally necessary to be given at that age.

It is widely accepted that MMR vaccine is very dangerous and in a specific group of children it can develop Autism. Still it is unknown that exactly what are the indicators in those kids that can be triggered by MMR. But the reality is that no parents will know- at the moment with this level of science- that whether her kid is susceptible or not.

So I guess the reporter missed this huge news- it was even part of the CNN and Larry King live in early to mid March 08.

Then we reach to a very logical argument toward the “complain” that “if you do not vaccinate your kid, it is dangerous for other kids that are vaccinated”….

Tell me something: if a parent vaccinates his/her kid that means they “believe” they make their kid “immunize” toward that specific disease for long time. It means if the kid gets in touch with that disease, he or she should not get it. Yes?

So in that case why is it dangerous for them if the other kids are not vaccinated? Their kid is immunized anyway, isn’t he?

The fear comes exactly from this point. In last 10-15 years there is huge number of measles cases reported (not from public news cast but within medical journals – the ones that general public will not read of course!- in England, US and in last few years in Montreal.

The peculiarity of the outbreak is that the cases appear to be among College students (please pay attention to the age group) and among the people that already had ALL the measles vaccine…..So it brought the huge tornado in the Allopathic community. They had to admit to the world that the vaccine (any vaccine) does not give immunity for the life and while so far they thought it will, now with measles they will reach to the conclusion that it will not.

The only thing that gives full time immunity is to get the disease and fight with it. After that the immune system is set for life. So the geniuses are now recommending that there should be yet ANOTHER booster shot let’s say around the age 16-18 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The baby does not develope a fully active immune system until he/she is one year old. This is one of the reasons that all the advocates of breast feeding use to make the mother breast feed her baby as long as she can. So what happens when we put so many vaccine in those tiny bodies when they do not even have an immune system to develop any long term immunity or not?!

The argument against Vaccination is as powerful as the argument pro vaccination. I do not think one should be forced against the other. I am a full supporter of the freedom of choice. But the choice should come with education. Unfortunately most of the time you will not get that education in your doctor's office. The more open minded one of them now, after the Supreme Court ruling, advice and “highly recommend” that the vaccine should NOT be administrate all at the same time, at such a young age.

The education has to come from more “neutral” sources…and one will think a good “journalistic report” should be more neutral…should talk about pros and cons of the both sides of the argument.

If one looks closely in the number of the vaccine that they administrate in the first world countries, at such a young age, one will be in total shock.

I mean think about it:
The schedule is that the baby at ONE month old, get his first Hepatitis B vaccine. The fact is that Hep B is primarily a sexually transmitted disease. Other common sources of transmission include exposure to infected blood, injected-drug use and occupational and household contacts. The infant can contract Hep B from his mother, if the mother has the disease.

All the women get tested for this disease during pregnancy. So IF the mother has Hep B THEN AND ONLY THEN the child NEEDS the vaccine and can get it at birth as well as immune globulin (considering that he does not have an immune system to begin with).

Otherwise if there is no need for blood transmission, can someone tell me when the one month old baby will have sex????

But NOOOOOOOO we have to give this vaccine right after the baby is born or within his first month!!!!!!!!! Then we have to repeat it at 4th month, 12 month and 11-12 years.

You realize of course that all these repetition (which is called booster) are because the immunity is not permanent!!!!!

Then let’s not forget, at age 2, 4, 6, 18 months and 5 years the child has to get DPTaP: That is of course Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough), Tetanus and Polio.

Do you realize all these vaccines are at the same time? All these dead or semi alive viruses or viruses' toxins will go into blood stream of a baby while there is no fully developed immune system....no wonder the doctors advice the parents to look for a series of ailments from fever to diarrhea and rash for a period of 7-10 days after this memorable event....they call it harmless short side effect!

I mean let’s be realistic here…the child can not even hold his head at the age of 2 months and we are giving him Tetanus shot. Tetanus is one of those vaccines that have the least complication but I fully believe that it should be given to the child when he starts to walk and even at that time it has to be given as a single vaccine and not in combination with so many others.

The diseases like Diphtheria and Polio do not exist in the first world countries since 1960’s. How come we are no longer administer small pox vaccine in the first world countries? Because there is no need for it. So what is the difference here?…and there is a huge controversy around Pertussis (Whooping cough) vaccine after the number of death occurred within 48 hours after the vaccination as the result of the “short term” side effects…

Every fall / winter the doctors scare people from Flu and everyone rushes for their flu shots. It was interesting that in January this year the outbreak of flu showed that the vaccine is ineffective because every year’s vaccine is for the Virus brand of the last season and the Virus (being smarter than human) mutates and becomes stronger toward the vaccine. This is how the “Super bug” is developed. The one that Media was alerting about it in last 4 months, the one that “NO antibiotic” has any affect on it. Why do you think that is? Can it be because of extreme unnecessarily use of antibiotics?

There was a time that when a child had a chicken pox, all the mothers took their children there so they will get it at the young age (which will be mild with rare complication) as oppose in their adulthood while the complications are sever and the disease is very difficult at those ages. But not now…at this day and age we hear a child has chickenpox and we ran to the doctor office for vaccination…and God help us in 50 years if we find out about the long term reaction of it.

Now they have vaccine against cervical cancer and how many of us asked the very reasonable question: What are the tests and researches regarding the long term safety of the vaccine? I mean even if I will not get the Cervical cancer, is it possible I will screw up something bigger in my life?

We need education. Only with education freedom of choice and freedom of thought come to life. Only with education, freedom will have a meaning. Otherwise, if there is only one set of “news”, how can people “choose”? What are they suppose to choose from?
To vaccine or to vaccine????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sickened how they try and push vaccines and go after those who point out vaccine dangers. I have been targeted because of my views, and it makes me sick how far these people will go to hurt anyone who stands in their way.