"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The big black monster in the middle of the dark room!

We never talk about our fears…I mean it is not that we don’t have any…let’s face it, all of us whether we want to admit it or not, have a list of fears (sometimes longer than we want to admit even to ourselves)…

Why do you think that is? I know ignorance is a bliss but come on! We really are not ignoring anything! Who are we kidding here?!

We are just pretending the act of “blissful ignorance” and in the back of our mind we are thinking and re thinking our fears over and over again like a good old song that we play backward and forward for hours and hours.

It is a disease, an unhealthy choice, a habit, an act…whatever label you want to name it with. It is one of the deepest suppression in the psyche and the start of so many pathologies….

I can always see the start of this disease in the children when I am treating them. Children are normally very open about their fears (or at least in a healthy circumstances they should be): about that black monster that is hiding under their bed - the same one that has to be vanished every night before going to bed, about the dark room that is full of monsters, about the spiders and snakes, about this and that and the other!

When a child refuses to talk about his fears and nightmares, as a homeopath I know I am witnessing the birth of a “dis-ease”.

What happens as a result is the sensation of extreme heaviness in our soul which never goes away and every time that anything remotely brings that fear to our mind, we want to go and hide under our heavy blanket and just call for mommy or daddy and scream that the black monster is back… come and vanish it….hurry please!!!

And then we realize there is no mommy and daddy to vanish this one…unfortunately we grew up and this dreadful duty is now on our to do list…but we are paralyzed with fear and do not have any shield against it…Ahhhh except that super power of course: IGNORING!

The heaviness is unbearable, it is killing us, eating us cell by cell from inside…and we are still ignoring!

I guess old habits die hard...especially when they started early at childhood, at those innocent ages that you were suppose to cry out loud and knew that in a second the hero will come….at those innocent ages that you were not suppose to know the meaning of “you are on your own”…

Ignorance is a bliss…if only we could really ignore….If only….


Nava said...

Hi MH!
I'm here to confess!
I am scared of darkness, better said being alone in the dark.

I am scared of the stair-case when I go to do the laundry, and funny enough, this fear comes up only in the evenings. My imagination starts to work like a movie-making-machine and makes the most horrible scenes one can imagine!

I am scared of the dogs. And unfortunately, they very well feel it, and come chasing me!

Also add to the list my fear for the moth! You know, the "night-butterfly"! Even thinking of them, gives me shivers in the back...

...and...no! That's it! If I can think of anything else, I'll confess about them too.

But do you have other aspects of the "fears" issue in mind?

Take care :)

Mommy Homeopath: said...

Brave Nava!
Any and all fears will do. But more than anything what all of us try to "ignore" is any emotional fear...you know what I mean? the loss...